City receives grants to spur development of Phase II Don Yarger Industrial Park

Road Construction Underway at Industrial Park
Vinita Oklahoma industrial park department of commerce

The City of Vinita was recently awarded two grants to provide new opportunities to attract industry to the Don Yarger Industrial Park. REAP grants totaling $97,000 will fund construction of a road from Industrial Avenue to the Phase II park, located just east of the current Park. Economic and Community Development Coordinator Misty Deffenbaugh said this is a huge step in opening building sites and creating primary jobs for the area. "Access to the Phase II property is the first big step in being able to attract new industry. The property was recently annexed into the City and we have been working with engineers to develop a infrastructure plan for the 170 acre site. This road is the beginning." An additional $24,000 is available through another grant awarded by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce Targeted Opportunities Program. This will allow the City to engage consultants for expertise on industries to target that will be best suited for the site and community, as well as additional funding sources from state and federal sources for site improvements.